Meet the Four-Eyed Banana Pizzas!

I sooooo want to get a band together. If anyone would like to play music with me, I've got a whole bunch of new songs and a pretty great name, the Four-Eyed Banana Pizzas, which pretty much guarantees us at least one gig at Fools Foundation, and maybe a private party or two, too.
I play guitar and sing. I also wear glasses and love pizza, from Zelda's to Steve's, along with bananas, but not necessarily on pizza. You play bass, drums or lead guitar (no pointy-headstock wankers, pls) and can sing harmonies, and you don't have to wear glasses (squint squad membership a plus, tho), but you probably should kinda like bananas. Or pizza. Or some other food.
This, of course, is not about being geeky guys who have no other recourse for connecting with feminine companionship other than picking up guitars and making a swell racket, although, truth be told, that's probably part of the equation. But really, it's all about doing it for the sheer joy of being in the moment and having a wonderful and ebullient time making music. It's kinda like that Buddhist thing about right livelihood, or maybe, um, well, yeah. It is.
Wouldn't you like to be part of something like that?
Anyway, gosh darn it, I'm so fricking stoked about this idea, I'm just beside myself. I may have to go pour myself a glass of milk and look around for some cookies or something. And you?