Good crikey, it's raining like a bitch in heat

Nothin' like a good nasty rain storm to rattle the nerves. Normally, I love the rain, because makes those sunny days go away, and it's good for getting mildly depressive, or reasonably melancholy, which makes for nice times sitting around in coffee joints. But today the wind has whipped up a little too much, which here in the capital of California means that trees get blown down and people turn into utter maroons on the road. Normally, I like to employ breathing techniques learned from Buddhist meditation to keep myself from getting rankled by other drivers, but because I've got a bit of a caffeine edge, perhaps it might be a good thing to stay off the road.
Plus, they're playing frickin' leprechaun music here at the coffeehouse I've settled into for the afternoon. Nothing like a little Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem to set a person's teeth on edge. If this mofo breaks into a tin-whistle solo, I'm ... uh ... I'm leaving. Anyway, it's too goddamn wet to go look for a job today, because people probably went home for the day or took a three-day weekend or, well, shoot, I'm just making excuses, aren't I?
Time to drill down and get granular on those million-dollar brainstorms I've been having already.
More later.