Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sorry about the Elvis tip, but ...

... who can resist this weird scene, "Edge of Reality," from the 1968 film "Live a Little, Love a Little"? I think I saw this one when it came out, when I was 13 or 14, and I would do really stupid things while on various mind-expanding chemicals ... like go to late-period Elvis movies. (Once, when I was 16 or 17 and I was at home one weekend while mom and dad were off gambling in Tahoe, I tried to self-induce mental retardation by watching an entire weekend-long Elvis movie marathon on Channel 40 under the influence of truckdriver whites and Mickey's Big Mouth malt liquor, but I dunno how well that worked, or if it's relevant to bring up here.)

Anyway, for those of you more used to seeing fat, bloated Elvis, there's always this:

But I prefer Elvis as The King, the cool dude who could vanquish any enemy, get any girl and move any cloud by pointing his finger and intoning, "Move, fucker."

Friday, August 25, 2006

All right, you fuckers

Listen up. If someone desn't leave me a message, I'm gonna put some hoodoo jinkiness on y'all and compel you to perpetual perpetualness of doing really lame dances from old Elvis movies. So do the mothafuckin' bearded clam ...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sometimes, you just need to smile

So watch this already.