Friday, September 15, 2006

Parker et Barrow

I can't in good conscience leave that awful press conference of an ill-tempered Dictator Chimpy up top, and this blog has been getting a little carried away with Republicans and Nazis and stuff lately, anyway. So here's a vintage clip of Brigitte Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg performing their continental smash, "Bonnie & Clyde." Because France is so much cooler than the America we've become.

Jethro Mussolini gets all jinky

Who pissed in El Presidente's Wheaties?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Joe Stalin had that tip dialed

A bit dry and nerdy, but worth your attention. You wonder why Republicans keep winning elections? Here's part of the answer. That, and "scrubbing" non-Republicans from voter registration rolls, and making sure that affluent white precincts have a surplus of machines, while less-affluent precincts where people of color and college students vote don't have nearly enough machines, along with good, old-fashioned thug-style voter suppression. It's like Josef Stalin is attributed to have said: It's not the votes that count, it's who gets to count the votes. Which adds up to another bullshit situation, and four more years for Jethro Mussolini and his merry band of Robin Hoods in reverse, and fuck you to John and Jane Q. Public.

Party time with the campus Bushjugend?

Didja hear the one about Young Republicans having "shoot the lib'ruhl" contests at the University of Michigan? Things are getting pretty squirrelly out there in Wingnutistan. Here's some classic stock footage of what happened the last time this mindset took hold among young people in a country run by a "unitary executive."

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Heil, Mickey!

Kudos to AmericaBlog poster Plisko for this fine response to Disney-ABC's GOP propaganda film 'The Path to 9/11.'