Czechnopop, Music, Pop Culture, Bicycles, Politics, Dogs and Some Other Stuff.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
All hail our great and glorious leader!
I must admit, I had been on the proverbial fence regarding our great and glorious leader. It had seemed that the Decider In Chief was becoming less than decisive in the wake of seditious criticisms coming from the far-lefty-left conspiracist macadamias in the media, that fifth column of treasonous running-dog lackeys of the booboisie at infotainment outlets not named Fox News. But lately, as this clip most amply demonstrates, El Presidente de la Guerra has got his 'nads back, so to speak. What decisiveness! What forthright courage! What leadership in the face of impudent liberalism!
This have Mr. Dzhakson very confused. Is bearded lady making rubrub with strange peoples while dog barking, or do Mr. Dzhakson suffer from Substance D overdose from Philip K. Dick movie matinee?
Is good disco, no? Is not Ms. Desi Slava hotness like Pamela Anderson minus Tommy Lee and Kid Rock jism skanky?
More Transylvania transgender confuse. Is like Romany grandmother Olga say: Keeping garlic and crucifix and bullet of silver handy, because vampire could be next piece of ass you never know, and too much sucking not good when blood all vanish? Czechnop delight, all, hope you humble and gentle viewer are enjoy. I spank monkey now. You too maybe.
Les visions des lucettes vous font-elles fôlatrer un pénis droit? Musique populaire doucement le balancement de la France vous fait-il fôlatrer un pénis droit également? Et est-ce que les images de jeunes filles françaises douces suçant sur des choses vous font fôlatrer un pénis droit aussi? Alors vous devez observer ceci maintenant.
A recent gossip item in the London Mirror opined that just-married actress Nicole Kidman, who showed up with some bruises on her thighs at a party, was the recipient of "too much rumpy-pumpy" from her new hubby, Australian suburb 'n' western crooner Keith Urban, on their honeymoon. Apparently, "rumpy-pumpy" is Limey slang for straight-up hetero banging. Dunno about that in this case; Urban always seemed a bit, well, kind of a three-letter word often modified by phrases such as "... as a tree full of parrots," so perhaps rear entry is the portal he's most familiar with, as in woof-woof style. Or maybe I'm confusing Urban with Kenny Chesney? Aah, all that modern crapola that passes for "country music" these days is pretty darn, um, Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, if you ask me.
Anyway, here we have the former Public Broadcasting System kiddie-show host Melanie Martinez, who apparently lost her gig once the fundamentalist Gooper nitwits now running that network found about this particular public-service announcement and a few other, similar ones that Ms. Martinez had made for a spoof website, Lesson learned: You can't employ humor or irony in a society run by Torquemadist retards.
Gotta hand it to the Brazilians, though, for this spoof on how best to butter up those hot buns before breakfast.
It's our pals Colonia with "Megamix." Dunno if this, ahem, rather clumsily edited video qualifies as a bona-fide megamix, or if "minor league trainwreck" isn't a more appropriate sobriquet. But it does exude a certain Dalmatian charm.
Militaristic czechnopop from Bulgaria. The artist is Gergana.
And here we have some "live" Gergana. Very nice Balkan Hooters aesthetic.
And here's the "sad" Gergana. As the Firesign Theatre' character Peorgie Tirebiter's buddy Mudhead used to say, "she's got a balcony you could do Shakespeare from."
Oh. Yeah. Cool male voiceover, in Ingleesky, too. And what's the Bulgarian word for "headlights"?
It's the Doublemint twins, Gergana and Amelia.
Da, I confess that I am marginally obsessed with Balkan pop stars of the feminine, tight jeans and bustin' out of blouses variety. So sue me already.
No, these guys aren't from Upper Slobovia, or Blingblingistan. This is NRBQ, from a 1989 television appearance. For a long time, this was my favorite band, an amazing live act that added the forward rush and free interplay of modern jazz to a framework of Beatle-esque pop and Cash-style country. Dig Big Al Anderson's funky Telecaster riffs, and Terry Adams' unhinged Jerry Lee Lewis meets Andrew Hill piano playing, and Joey Spampinato's melodic bass McCartneyisms and, most of all, Tom Ardolino's sublimely loose but on the money drumming. Sweet!