Saturday, May 20, 2006

If Peugeot ran commercials like this in America, it might be a playa

My kind of car commercial.

Haiyata vs. the Pizza Monster

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Enjoy.

May 19, 2006, Toyroom

Skinner called, while I was en route to Trader Joe's for prune juice and milk for the missus, asked me to come see his opening at the Toyroom Gallery on K Street. Dumped off the stuff, drove downtown. Checked out opening at Toyroom. Talked to Skinner about Yog Sothoth, Cthulhu and some other inspirations. Ogled some cute young porn-model lookalike babe who was with some shaved-head dudes, one of whom bought one of Skinner's miniature paintings, because it had some connection with 1970s Sacramento vampire killer Richard Trenton Chase. Talked about ska, disco and early hip-hop with Craig, the co-owner, and couple of other people in the front of the gallery who were listening to Gnarles Barkley. Looked at some paintings by Skinner, Jon Berger and Gale Hart, plus some of what Zap Comix used to call comic jams between the three. Left. Drove home. Almost stopped at Beto's but didn't. Took my picture with Photo Booth. Posted it here. Posted on the Velvet Rope something about why I stopped listening to country music, which is because it turned to totally uninteresting shit. Went to bed. Messed with a sudoku puzzle until I couldn't stay awake.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I am almost fixing to get ready to rock and roll

Welcome to my world, or something like that. More later.

My last blog was called "Buttload of Gerbils." I kind of abandoned it, and the address got lost when my stepdaughter launched her own blog, which wiped my info out. Damn kids.

Anyway, this will most likely be a blog about bicycles, music, pop culture and politics. If that interests you, um, well, uh ...