Conservatism = mental illness
Ah, the dangers of mixing neocon politics, alcohol consumption, insouciant stupidity and a video camera. Here we have Polyethylene Pam of the retrograde blog Atlas Buggered, yammering about the current dog's breakfast in the Middle East. Pammy's apparently chubby bait to a certain corner of the wingnutigensia, but then other bloggers, like James Wolcott and TBogg, have a good time at her expense, which is kind of like beating an amputee at hopscotch. And then, surprisingly, certain bellwether starboard-tilting bloggers like Dirk Belligerent either had the good sense to leave Pammy's blog off their hit parade, or else they haven't yet dialed into her half-in-the-bag LawnGuyland Jay-Ay-Pee charms, which might be considerable if you haven't gotten laid in six months or jacked off, and you're pretty drunk and you just did a couple of bumps of biker crank and popped a Viagra for good measure. But that, of course, would be logic-free poontang, if there is such a thing. Anyway, apparently conservatism does equal mental illness, at least in this case.
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