Saturday, July 15, 2006

Colonia is bustin' out all over!

It's Colonia, of "Hey Sexy Body" and "Tvojoj ne Streni Ngognog Ngogn" fame, with an out front video that turns melancholy into melons, and if you're as sick of my crappy puns as I am, you'll join me in traveling to Zagreb to investigate matters further. Perhaps we could all charter a plane, me and the one or two inebriated readers who stumbled into this place and can't figure out how to navigate away. The singer in Colonia here looks pretty zaftig, rather than cartoonish as she did in "Tvojoj ne Streni Axolotl Furshligginer Farshimeltiy," or Jazzercize-buff as she did in "Hey Sexy Body I Want Jump You Right Now and Ride You Like Bicycle to Dubrovnik." Nuthin' wrong with Reubenesque, mind you. Anyway, I like the "chart" they show in the vidclip:

VIP DJ Top Lista Sucka: 1) Robbie Williams. 2) Pussycat Dolls. 3) Coldplay. 4) Rolling Stones. 5) Colonia.

The comments at YouTube are pretty funny, too, when assembled into a narrative: "would ya?" "Why not :) Im not that picky!" "would i what???" "tko je ovo stavia...ajme meni...POLJUBIT CHEM GA ODMA :))" "o je hudba nie ako tie kokotiny americke!" "not bad for a Croatian." Not sure if I'd want to tko je ovo stavia her, or perform ajme meni, or even get down and poljubit chem ga odma, especially if my kokotiny americke isn't up to the task. But if I were still a drinkin' man, I probably might have woken up next to her at some point. Or maybe not.

The name of that song is "Najbolje Od Svega," in case you wondering. And in case you prefer Colonia's cartoon videos, here's a treat: "Svijet Voli Pobjednike."

You will enjoy.


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